Oh my god...a month!
Lol. Tomorrow, I will have been in Manchester for a month... pretty strange as I can't believe it's already a month, but I feel like I've been here ages... my flatmates agree, we were talking about it yesterday when we went for Sunday lunch (so yummy and 3 vegetables!... broccoli, carrots and peas, even roast potatoes...was great :) I also scared Emily (from my course) when I told her today...it's just really creepy lol.
However,on a similar note, I've only been here a month and already I've had to have the light in my bathroom changed twice! I'd noticed it was dimmer after they changed it last time, but then on Saturday it went completely...grumble...although it was fixed when I got back from lectures today so they've become speedier :)
I discovered a way to stop spending lots of money when you go shopping... buy something big, heavy and difficult to carry near the beginning of your outing then going into any other shops is not worth it. I did this on Saturday when I bought a maiden (lol just looked that up on google to check that it wasn't spelled in some stupid way so put in 'maiden clothes horse' and it came up with a lot of fairy tales hehehe), I decided that since none of my clothes tumble dry I would need one, especially as I was running out of clothes and could put off washing no longer lol (I've done 2 loads of washing in a month and both in the last week lol). Anyway so even though it's not a particularly heavy thing to have to carry, it's heavy enough and very awkward and stopped me from going into Zara :( I have now resisted for a month (lol) and so don't think I can hold out much longer... It was particularly annoying actually, since when I went to go back to my flat, there were no trams to Piccadilly, grumble.
Also on Saturday, was Emily's party. Her and her housemates decided that as a load of people in their house have birthdays in October, they would hire out Scubar and have a party... it's free as long as you can guarantee a so many people will go (after a certain time, they let in the public lol). It was really nice and, good for me, only about 10 minutes away from Lambert Halls (although on the way back, me and Mairead - my flatmate who came with - decided a detour was required in search of chips, oh dear lol). In Scubar, they sell fishbowls of drinks - which are just crazy and (the one we had at least) very strong and bear no resemblence to a glass of the same drink lol. We tried Long Island Iced Tea, but as far as we could tell, it was just lots of vodka, bacardi and coke lol.
Friday in out flat is establishing itself as our cinema night, lol. This Friday we went to see Oliver Twist...(hmm is it bad that I though the best bit was the Harry Potter trailer lol, perhaps that's a bit of an exaggeration hehehe ;), it was actually pretty good, I just found Oliver pretty irritating...). We reason that we're allowed to be boring on a Friday as that's the day when "normal people" (i.e. non-students) go out and make everything really full and really expensive lol.
Tonight I'm headed with some of my flatmates and some from next door to the Law department freshers' party. I am aware that I do not actually do law, but May from next door invited us...hehehe. It's down at Deansgate Locks so a new place too - Emporia.
We had our first lecture on Mill in Philosophy today, it seems to be better than Aristotle or maybe the lecturer is just a bit less boring lol...although it means another book to read... this one is shorter than Aristotle though :)
The physics lectures are still great, at least the Relativity and Special Topics ones are :) and the dynamics ones are started to do non further maths stuff which is great. The maths ones are still further maths territory but I don't think that's an entirely bad thing :) and the Astronomy lectures, which I don't have to go to as as a Physics with Philosophy student I don't do Astronomy (grumble) but do anyway lol, are great and I don't even have to take any notes :) (oh dear, geek! lol).
I tried out the iron for the first time the other day...although only to iron my Abercrombie and Fitch poster... (have also posted a beautiful picture of it :)... but it seemed great... hehehe. Anyway, plenty of time left still for actual ironing lol...